Join me in your own time,

at your own pace!

For certain, the road to achieving your healing goals will zigzag. But, the key is to visualize your goals, and move towards them on a daily basis.

Consistent, daily self care will bring you the results you are capable of achieving, in your own time, at your own pace!

***Journey into fascia is a self-guided Myofascial Self-treatment program. It is not intended to replace any treatment or advice you have received from your Medical Doctor, PT, OT, or RMT.

Self - Guided & Self - Paced Healing Journey

"Magdalena Regdos, RMT has written a very comprehensive book and created a series of videos on myofascial release. I believe this information will be important for you in therapy and in life."

- John F. Barnes, PT

This program is rooted in the Healthcare Model that John F Barnes Myofascial Release Approach has developed over the last 50+ years.

In essence, I believe that everyday is an opportunity for you to reclaim your sense of joy and ease.

You become empowered, by exploring your fascial system, learning to feel and becoming aware of your myofascial restrictions.

In your own time, at your own pace I invite you to join me, and return to a pain free, active and joyous lifestyle!

Welcome to your 30 Days of Self Treatment Essentials.

I'm your host, Magdalena Regdos RMT. I will guide you on this self-paced journey into your fascia! You are about to begin one of the most important experiences of your life, where feeling deeply, mean healing completely.

With 20+ years experience as a Registered Massage Therapist, I hope this program brings you more flexibility, strength and joy! 

This comprehensive online program is



Week 1 : Structural

Your fascial system is a living matrix that is fluid in nature, interconnected from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes. Injuries cause your fascia to solidify, causing pain.

Learn to balance your foundation through pelvic alignment, feel into your depth barrier where restrictions lie, and wait for release.

Week 2 : Unwinding

Myofascial unwinding is the practice of reconnecting with your innate wisdom, also known as your fascial voice to reveal positions of past trauma.

By letting go, you regain awareness in your body and empower your natural ability to heal. The goal is to soften scar tissue and mobilize your mental and physical holding patterns.

Week 3 : Rebounding

Rebounding is also known as jiggling, and can be one of the most fun myofascial self-care techniques.

As you practice this movement technique, you restore the flow within your inner ocean of fascia.

These therapeutic waves gently disrupt locked-up fascia, allowing your body to reorganize more efficiently. The result is resonance and healing.

Week 4 : Therapeutic Mastery

You will now have a strong foundation of MFR theories and techniques. There is a flow and deeper trust in your fascial voice.

With your newfound attunement to your inner wisdom, you are ready to let go and implement the process in your own unique way.

Week 5 : Reassess + Celebrate

It's time to reflect on what you have accomplished, and notice the changes in your mind and body.

You are encouraged to take your "after" photos, and compare them with your "before" photos of Day 2.

Optionally, share your photos to be in the running to win a JFB Myofascial Release treatment.

We will complete this journey with a fun, and well-deserved Celebration Dance!

Bonus: Fascial Voice Journal Digital Download

Supplement your program with this e-journal covering 30 days of daily insights.

This e-journal is print ready and has daily prompts for your creative mind to explore your fascial voice more deeply!

Choose a Pricing Option

Short Trailer of Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 5
Available in days
days after you enroll

JFB MFR Self -Treatment Essentials

When you decide that you are ready to do the work. Schedule 30 days into your calendar, open 30-60minutes everyday for yourself.

Grab some water , put on some comfy clothes, and join me on the wonderful journey into YOUR fascia!

Journey into Fascia and enjoy this Compelling Conversation with John F. Barnes, PT